Coaching Services


Do you have a dream of completing a book but the process is overwhelming? Or perhaps you’ve started a project (more times than you want to admit) and can’t seem to finish. Whether you’ve never written a manuscript or have uncompleted pages, I can help you reach the end with a tangible book in your hands. 

My name is Catie Cordero. I am a writing coach. In my 15+ years of writing experience, I have published 5 books, written for magazines, founded my own copywriting business where I write content for a wide range of clients, and studied creative writing & social media marketing. Taking the tools I’ve learned along the way, I support new authors from ideation to publication by helping them chart a roadmap that fits their goals, and providing coaching and resources through every step of the journey. 


  • Organization— I help you organize your thoughts and develop a plan that will reduce overwhelm and help you reach the end.
  • Accountability– I help you stay focused and on target to hit your writing and publishing goals.
  • Book Plotting & Editing– I understand the components necessary for a complete, well-told story. I help clients organize a plotline and literary themes into their writing.
  • Getting Unstuck– If you find yourself stuck in your story, I help you figure out what needs to change or how to adjust. We strategize to get you moving again.
  • Encouraging Energy– I am a motivator. My charisma helps people feel uplifted and guided through a process that can be taxing. I am a champion of people and the story in their hearts. I want to help them share that STORY with the world.
  • One Stop Shop– I know what it feels like to be “on the other side.” I’ve seen my own projects through, and I know that even on the hardest days, the light at the end of the tunnel is worth the stress/ frustration/ self-doubt. Not only do I help clients finish their manuscript, I assist them in deciding their publication route, traditional vs indie, and assist them with the next steps for both avenues.  This saves clients’ time, money, and undue stress.
  • Writing Experience- My first awarded story was in young author’s in sixth grade. I never stopped writing from that point. My writing experiences are vast– scriptwriting, children’s books, novels, memoir, copywriting, magazine articles, blogs, etc.
  • Organic Social Experience— I can help you develop a marketing strategy to develop your personal platform on social media, showcase yourself as an author, and release your books. 

By investing in a writing coach, you are showing yourself and others that you mean business. This leads to forward momentum which is CRUCIAL in starting a big project like writing and publishing a book.

With my help, you will go from “aspiring author” to “published and proud.” 

Want to hire me? Email me for more details!